
Lungs in focus

Lung screening then and now

Katharina Schroll-Bakes
Published on August 14, 2023

Chest X-ray showing tuberculosis of the lung, 1931
Source: W. Brednow / E. Hofmann: “Röntgenatlas der Lungenerkrankungen” [X-ray atlas of lung diseases]

From Rio to the world

The video “Fluss aufwärts” [Going upstream] tells the story of a TB screening program in Mexico. To reach people in remote regions of the country, a ship equipped with a complete photofluorography unit traveled to distant villages.

Mobile lung cancer screening

If lung cancer is detected in the early stages (stage 1–2), it has a five-year survival rate of 70–90 percent. If it is diagnosed at a later stage, 85–90 percent of patients die within five years of diagnosis. 

CT-Scan vs. Röntgenbild
<p>This bus served as a “mobile X-ray clinic.” A catalog from 1950 shows that the bus brought together all the key components of mass X-ray screening—from the X-ray unit itself to the darkroom.</p>
mobile X-ray clinic

Four eyes are better than two

Evaluating small-format images captured during mass X-ray screening was a very laborious process, as physicians had to examine the images one by one in front of a light box using a magnifying glass. Nowadays, the evaluation of clinical images has become much easier thanks to digitalization and tools powered by AI.

Siemens Healthineers AI-Rad Companion Chest

The AI-based software AI-Rad Companion Chest CT marks lung nodules and takes automatic measurements.

Katharina Schroll-Bakes
Katharina Schroll-Bakes
By Katharina Schroll-Bakes

Expert for History Communication and Historian at the Siemens Healthineers Historical Institute